The Nontradable Goods' Real Exchange Rate Puzzle
(NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomic, 2009)
Working papers
Rethinking Markups and Inventories over the Business Cycle?
Understanding Growth through Automation: The Neoclassical Perspective
The Future of Labor: Automation and the Labor Share in the Second Machine Age
Slides |
Credit Cards and the Great Recession: The Collapse of Teasers
Optimality of Zero APR on Credit Cards: An Analytical Framework
Unpublished research
Competing for Customers: A Search Model of the Market for Unsecured Credit
Slides (revised draft) |
Pricing-to-Market in Business Cycle Models
Slides |
Other writings
Generative AI: A Turning Point for Labor's Share? (Economic Insights, Philadelphia Fed, First Quarter 2024)
Why Credit Cards Played a Surprisingly Big Role in the Great Recession
(Economic Insights, Philadelphia Fed, Second Quarter 2021)
The Policy Perils of Low Interest Rates
(Economic Insights, Philadelphia Fed, First Quarter 2018)
The Quiet Revolution in Debt Collection
(AEA Research Highlights)
Responding to COVID-19: A Note